As COVID-19 Infections Rise, Face mask Mandates Decline

The number of new coronavirus cases is rising in more than one-half of the states. Including Michigan where new cases have jumped from a daily average of just over 1,000 to well over 7,000.

This increase is attributed to several factors. Including virus variants making strides. In fact, the UK variant is now the dominant coronavirus strain in America.

Another factor is pandemic fatigue. Some people are getting tired of being careful.

Health organizations say wearing facemasks helps limit the spread. Anything blocking airborne droplets from traveling from an infected person to a healthy person would logically help.

Yet 12 states have dropped their facemask mandates this year. Nearly another dozen never had facemask mandates.

In a moment I’m going to give you a current state-by-state look at these mandates. Then I’m going to provide you with a chance to voice your opinion on this subject.

No One-Size-Fits-All Mask Regulations

There are very few U.S. federal mandates for face mask wearing during this pandemic. Everyone is required to wear a face covering while using public transportation. And while inside public transportation hubs.

In addition, face masks are required for people when inside federal buildings and on all federal lands. Other than that, it is up to state governments to determine when and wear face masks are required.

Even in states with mandates, the details can differ significantly. Some require face coverings every time someone leaves their home. Others allow for exceptions based on social distancing protocols.

In a number of states where there is no state mandate, individual cities and counties may impose mask mandates. In no state are children under the age of 2 required to wear a mask, per the CDC.  

State-by-State Requirements

Here’s a state-by-state look at facemask mandates, as of this writing. Mandates set to expire soon may be extended.

Alabama – No statewide order.

Alaska – No statewide order.

Arizona – No statewide order.

Arkansas – No statewide order.

California – Residents have been required to wear masks since June in “most settings outside the home.”

Colorado – Residents are required to wear masks until May 3, but rules are eased in areas with low virus rates.

Connecticut – Residents have been required to mask up for the past year.

Delaware – Residents have been required to wear masks since December.

District of Columbia – Residents have been required to wear masks since July.

Florida – No statewide order.

Georgia – No statewide order.

Hawaii – Residents are required to wear masks while inside businesses.

Idaho – No statewide order.

Illinois – Residents are required to wear masks in public.

Indiana – No statewide order.

Iowa – No statewide order.

Kansas – No statewide order.

Kentucky – Residents are required to wear masks through at least April 30.

Louisiana – Residents are required to wear masks through at least April 28.

Maine – Residents have been required to wear a mask since May 2020.

Maryland – Residents have been required to wear a mask for the past year.

Massachusetts – Residents have been required to wear a mask for nearly a year.

Michigan – Residents have been required to wear a mask since October.

Minnesota – Residents have been required to wear a mask since July.

Mississippi – No statewide order.

Missouri – No statewide order.

Montana – No statewide order.

Nebraska – No statewide order.

Nevada – Residents have been required to wear a mask since June.

New Hampshire – Residents have been required to wear masks since November.

New Jersey – Residents have been required to wear a mask since July.

New Mexico – Residents have been required to wear a mask since May 2020.

New York – Residents have been required to wear a mask for the past year.

North Carolina – Residents are required to wear masks through at least April 30.

North Dakota – No statewide order.

Ohio – Residents have been required to wear a mask since July.

Oklahoma – No statewide order.

Oregon – Residents have been required to wear a mask since July.

Pennsylvania – Residents have been required to wear a mask since July.

Rhode Island – Residents have been required to wear a mask for the past year.

South Carolina – No statewide order.

South Dakota – No statewide order.

Tennessee – No statewide order.

Texas – No statewide order.

Utah – No statewide order. Their mandate ended April 10.

Vermont – Residents have been required to wear a mask since August.

Virginia – Residents have been required to wear a mask for the past year.

Washington – Residents have been required to wear a mask since June.

West Virginia – Residents have been required to wear a mask since July.

Wisconsin – No statewide order.

Wyoming – No statewide order.

What Do You Think?

As promised, here’s a chance for you to chime in.

Do you believe there should be a federal mandate requiring everyone to wear face masks in public?

Or do you believe this type of mandate should be left up to individual states?

Or do you believe there should be no face mask mandates anywhere in the U.S.?

I realize this subject can be controversial. It lends itself to strong opinions. But let’s be civil with our comments and respectful of others’ opinions. Hope to hear from you about this.

Previous article Sunday Thoughts (immune boosting foods)


no mask - April 26, 2021

cigarettes and alcolhol WILL kill you, and people choose whether or not to use them. I choose NOT to. It’s stupid to put poison into my body. There is zero evidence that masks work, and if they did, why not also require eye goggles and require all men to be clean shaven so the mask can be against their skin?
I am worried about all the babies born to women who weren’t allowed to breathe when breathing for TWO and what kind of brain damage they will have from their stupid mothers wearing masks.

Virus is .0125 microns, the SMALLEST hole in an N-95 mask is .0425 microns. See the problem? And people aren’t wearing N-95.

The Founding Fathers knew about Plagues and Pandemics and put NOTHING in the Constitution to take away from our First Amendment during those times. So why now? There is prevention and SAFE treatments and even a cure, I never get the flu, none of my family ever get the flu with or without a vaccine. This is airborne and nothing we have will stop it from travelling or mutating.

No masks anywhere, the government needs to stop trying to force people to suffocate themselves and the medical community needs to stop participating in doing harm to the public. Don’t they take an oath to “Do no Harm”?

I think there will be Nuremberg style trials for those who pushed for the vaccine or administered it. They have Students giving people vaccines in my state. STUDENTS!!! They know NOTHING. And “just following orders” isn’t an excuse. Unfortunately not everyone has the same IQ level or bohers to dig for the truth. The MEDIA is complicit in these crimes against humanity.

Carolyne - April 26, 2021

IF the masks made any significant difference, then this plandemic would be over and done by now. A year of lock down, bathing in hand sanitizer, and mask wearing hasn’t solved a thing. Prior to the CV19 being let loose, there were always two ‘flu seasons’…. one in the spring, one in the fall. The whole world has been put on a stand still for a virus with a 99.8% =/- FULL recovery rate, so why the panic a whole year later? Your chance of being killed by a drunk driver while on your way to being tested or to get vaxxed, are higher than dying IF you catch the virus. Lastly, with the southern border wide open now, thanks to potato thinking, and illegals who are UNTESTED as well as those who’ve tested positive being put on buses and planes and disseminated around the US, the whole over-blown Covid prevention issue has been made null and void. We’re seeing spikes in certain areas? Follow the trail of the ‘resettlement’ events. It’s a fairly safe bet that, masks or no masks, if it hasn’t hit your community yet, the government will ship it directly into your neighborhood. If the government won’t, certain charities will. And guess what? Once the illegal is turned over to an NGO (non-government organization. i.e. Catholic Charities, et al) there is no way to track that person’s movements. Furthermore, the NGOs CAN NOT be legally compelled to divulge the virus status NOR the whereabouts of persons they send down the pipeline and into our communities. Now, if the government wants everyone to believe and follow their jacked up mandates, first they need to stop sending the infection around the country in the name of ‘alleviating the overcrowding at the border’. For the record, that’s not helping ‘flatten the curve’. By introducing more variants of CV 19 to people who’ve had their whole lives disrupted to avoid causing making this government-manufactured horror show, they’re merely extending the problem yet again . They can’t have it both way…. we, the citizens, have been on lockdown for over a year, and we have to have ‘vaxx passports’ to travel within our OWN country, but show up from anywhere outside the US, cross the border illegally, bring all your virus’ and plagues with you, and you’ll be handed carte blanc freedom. With all of that in place, continuing to be forced to wear a mask is like wearing a condom to bed every night to keep some stranger from getting pregnant. Personally, all I want is the government to step OUT of my business and leave me alone. With the total mess they’ve put this country into in a matter of a few months in office, they aren’t a reliable source for information on anything. The only way this foolishness is going to stop is if enough people stand up and tell them to take their mandates and shove them. We’ve been lied to long enough!

Marsha - April 26, 2021

I believe wearing masks are ineffective. I have worn a mask out of respect for others but have mostly just stayed home. I believe mandating masks elevated the fear level which is being used to control all of us. Masks should not be mandated by anyone.

Linda - April 26, 2021

I think the mask mandate should be abolished. Studies have found wearing a mask doesn’t protect you from the virus plus it destroys the chance to build immunity. If you feel comfortable wearing a mask then do it. If you having allergies or feel a cold coming on then wear a mask. I live in a state that wants 2 year olds to wear a mask I dare them to come and put a mask on my child and get bitten or kicked by her lol

Odessa - April 26, 2021

With so many deaths from this virus, and from the different strains that are occurring, I’m going to continue wearing a mask when I go out in public.Better to be safe than sorry.

Greg Peirez, Esq. - April 26, 2021


Masks are a MASK for government control and intrusion on civil rights. Masks do NOT stop people from breathing each other’s breath and in turn do NOT stop spread of viruses; corona and many other viruses.
It never was “safe” and never will be (that is a term re: the “sissification” of America). If the vaccines are so effective, then only those who CHOOSE to take such (this is America, remember!) should be at risk, right!? There will always be someone who gets this virus and many others….forever. Those who CHOOSE to wear a mask can and those who are so afraid can sequester themselves at home . The rest of society MUST operate as before, period. In Sweden, as just one example, people never wore masks and has done just fine.

The mask nonsense MUST stop now. VOTE for people who specifically are asked whether they will stop any/all mask mandates NOW; reinstate the Trump border policy in full NOW, re-commence work on the Keystone pipeline NOW, fully support all police, etc. If they do not unequivocally confirm such, vote them the hell out or vote for anyone else instead. WAKE UP!!!

Take control of your own lives, use common sense, and make the government conform to the will of the people, not the other way around.

TERM LIMITS MUST be enacted for all gov. officials and judges (federal and Supreme Ct. as well) !!

Linda Frankson - April 26, 2021

My opinion is irreverent but I recommend that you do your own homework. In this day and age, there are no barriers to making a correct decision. The right is up to each and every one of us. But it must be an informed decision, not the hogwash that they want you to relieve.
Wearing a mask is like giving the bad guy the tools and the excuse to cover up their face. something that has been done in every society since I can remember. we can add to that health reasons that had no barring on the subject. just do your own homework.

Cbris - April 26, 2021

I agree that a mask mandate is nit required or is it effective. I believe if a person wants to wear a mask thats fine do so, andet no one say otherwise to that individual. I am required to wear one at work but soon as I walk out that door the maks comes off. I drive limo so I am around a lot of people from all over the country. So when I pick someone up I tell them they are wel one to not wear a mask in the limo. And most of them are grateful and take them off I then will remove my mask as well. But they don’t I will leave mine on just for their piece of mind. I believe this when pandemic thing was just for political gains by the left. Too see how far they can push the people and control them and 50% of them fell for it. Since this all started I have not worr a mask around friends I still visited friends in their homes and elsewhere. I went about my business ess as usual. And I did not get sick. In fact when I did wear a mask I felt like I was getting v sick I had dry throat, dry cough but when I remove the mask that went away. It was all a FARSE PERPETUATED BY LEFT .

Judy GOOD - April 26, 2021

There should be no federal or state mask mandates anywhere. This choice should be left to individuals, & heads of families. We are responsible for our health when given needed facts. The only time states or federal government is responsible for our health is when they have facts they withhold that interferes with our ability to manage our health and that of our families.

kenna dennis - April 26, 2021

I live in a state with the worst dictator ship pusing the mask mandate and there is no reason for the masks they are as worthless as our governor and she must be stopped we the people are not we the sheeple and we will not take it any more. And as far as the death shot no thanks i will not be getting it and they can shove their vaccine passport as far as they can get it up their blowholes.

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