Keeping Your Pup Healthy During a Pandemic

So much of the focus over the last few months has been keeping ourselves healthy… and for good reason.

But let’s not forget about our pups.

The start of a new season is a great time to take steps to ensure your “best friend” stays healthy, too.

Like taking a visit to the vet.

Many folks have put off on going to their own doctor’s appointments during the pandemic out of fear of exposure.

But dogs need regular vaccinations.

And really should be tested annually for parasites and heartworms.

You don’t want to get too behind in your dog’s care and put their own health at risk.

Many veterinarians’ offices are taking extra precautions to keep everyone safe.

Some are even offering curbside drop off and pick-up for appointments, so you don’t need to get out of your car.

Keeping up with your dog’s heartworm preventative is another way to keep your pup healthy.

Heartworm is a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets caused by long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and blood vessels of affected pets.

It’s transmitted from pet to pet by mosquitos.

But even though we’re not in mosquito season, heartworm preventative is a year-round necessity, as it also helps prevent other common parasites.

If you’ve got a small dog, or one without much fur, think about a coat and/or booties to help keep them warm as the temperature drops.

These extra layers are more than just a fashion statement, they can help keep your dog more comfortable in the cooler weather.

Speaking of lower temps, now is not the time to start skipping walks.

Sure, it’s tempting to just let your dog out in the yard to do his business, especially when it’s chilly outside, but your dog needs regular exercise each day to maintain a healthy weight.

And finally, if you’re going to be handing out Halloween candy next week, please take steps to keep it away from your pup, especially if you plan to give out chocolate.

You see, chocolate contains alkaloids called methylxanthines that are toxic to dogs.

Even just a little bit of chocolate can stop a dog’s metabolic process and cause diarrhea and vomiting. And a large amount can result in seizures, irregular heart function, and even death.

Many dogs are undeterred from candy wrappers, so keep the candy well out of reach.

With all that’s going on right now, I’m glad to see folks focusing on their health.

Just make sure the health of your dog is also a priority during these unsettling times.

After all, you want them around as long as possible.

Previous article Sunday Thoughts (immune boosting foods)


Bill B - October 26, 2020

You guys are all right. Great article about protecting our pets. I knew about the “chocolate” danger for them

Anyone that does not care about an animal is a hollow person.

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to inform others who may have been unaware.

And: Thanks for your great products!
Bill b

Kimberly Moris - October 23, 2020

I am so happy to have found this sight, not only do you care about us humans you also care about our pets! That is first class in my book.

Richard Nedwidek - October 22, 2020

Pets are a big part of peoples lives. They bring pleasure to young and old alike. With the young, they play and keep the kids out of trouble. For the old they bring a smile to their face, or pep them up. For the sick, they make people feel better and even improve how people heal and remember things from long past.

With the pandemic going on for the past 8 months or so, A lot of people have had to work from home or stay out of the lime light of the freedom of going out in the world as we have in the past. As a senior citizen I had a head start on this social distancing. Others had it forced upon them. If you have a pet, your pet becomes more responsive to have people around them 24/7. They can become depressed once things can go back to what we use to call normal.

This can also be the case of the human end when a person losses a pet that was with them 24/7 for many years. The pet is more then a pet but more of a know family member. The loss can be as bad or more so then losing a family member with 2 legs. The pet (In my Case a little Pomeranian that was with me for 17 years) was there for you with not asking for more then a little love and Kindness. In return they give you unconditional love and respect. You go out for a few minutes or hour, go back in and you are greeted as if you just got home from a week.

So you need to remember when the time comes to get back to the leaving the house for half the day for work or what ever is part of you plate, you need to think of your pet and what will go though there minds. Start by leading up the time spent away. Leave the house go out in the yard or a ride for small periods so the pet learns you will be coming back.

If you know someone who losses a pet they had for a long time, show them some compassion. Give them some kind words, it will help them in their grieving, even more so if the are along and older.

Thank You
Richard Nedwidek
Rochester NY

Diane Orange - October 23, 2020

Since I have been breeding and showing different terrier breeds for more than 60 years, their care and welfare is the top priority in all my decisions. their welfare comes before mine and that has always been the case.

denise - October 23, 2020

I applaud you for reminding people to think of their pets while getting ready for the cold weather and what ever other obstacles we may face in the coming months. Not only do I have a wonderful 15 year old beagle who thinks he is still a puppy but I made the difficult (because I do not want to upset my older dog) decision to get a puppy in a few months (in contract with a reputable breeder because I need a service dog candidate and this breeder has dogs who will be just what I need). Maintaining the health of an older dog while introducing a puppy who will needs LOTS of time, attention and training is a lot to take in to consideration and we need to have supplies on hand. Have a great day and be well.

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