Cruciferous Vegetables
We've all heard our mom say "eat your veggies" before. But it's not because she wants you to have a bad time. As adults, we get that. We know that veggies are the cornerstone of any diet. But the truth...
We've all heard our mom say "eat your veggies" before. But it's not because she wants you to have a bad time. As adults, we get that. We know that veggies are the cornerstone of any diet. But the truth...
Some people who suffer from a magnesium deficiency don't even know it. It's an often overlooked health problem that can have serious adverse health effects. And it doesn't take a freak accident for it to happen to you. Some medications...
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. And even though my kids are too old to trick or treat, I still love handing out candy to the folks who show up at my doorstep. After all, who can resist a...
Did you know there's a silent health threat that no one is talking about? It's not fried food. It's not a virus. It's not even smoking cigarettes. It's sitting. Something you're probably doing right now. Believe it or not, sitting...
In honor of National Day of the Deployed, the Patriot Health Alliance and 4Patriots donated a variety of products to For The Troops, an organization that sends “We Care” packages containing basic necessities and goodies to our American Heroes. The...
I don't know about you, but it's starting to cool down in my neck of the woods. And with the winter weather on its way, I'm thinking about ways to stay warm. And so far, 1 idea has stood out...
Are current events keeping you awake at night? If so, you're not alone. Many of the recent major news stories have been pretty scary. Deadly and destructive Hurricane Ian ravaging Florida and the Southeast coast… Russian President Vladimir Putin making...
October is a time of reflection for me. It's like the lull between the back-to-school craziness and the winter holidays. So I like to use it to sit back and just reflect. And this October, I'm reflecting on something important....
Let's face it. Living a healthy life is hard. After all, if it was easy, everyone would do it. So when I find a health tip that's easy & good for your body? It's like opening a present on Christmas...