Simple But Effective Ways to Boost Your Stamina

As we get older, we often feel our bodies slow down.

Our energy begins to lag. And we find ourselves dragging through workouts or even struggling to find the motivation to take a long walk.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

A drop in stamina isn't something you just have to accept as you get older.

There are natural ways to boost your stamina, no matter your age.

One of the most effective ways to increase stamina is with exercise.

Now, I know some of you may be thinking that exercise is the last thing you feel like doing when your energy is low and your tank feels empty. But hear me out.

The research has shown that regular exercise helps increase energy levels and even improves sleep and cognitive function.

Start slow, especially if you've been on the sidelines for a while.

A short walk around the block or through a neighborhood park is just fine when you're just getting started.

As your stamina begins to build, increase the frequency and duration of your workouts.

And when you really start to feel good, ratchet up the intensity.

Short intervals at a faster pace when you're walking, running, biking, or even doing squats, does wonders for your stamina.

Pumping up the music during your exercise routine can also help.

Music with a strong, steady beat or motivational lyrics can keep you moving and help you push through your workout.

It's thought that music helps improve physical performance because it distracts from the pain and discomfort that goes along with exercise.

Now, as you see your stamina improve, you might be tempted to push it and exercise even more.

Just remember, your body needs rest and time to recover.

Schedule a couple of "rest days" each week to give your body a break.

And balance cardio workouts with those that focus on breathing and stability, like yoga and meditation, which have been shown to improve endurance and reduce fatigue.

Increasing age does not have to lead to a life stuck on the sofa.

Lace up those sneakers and get moving, and you'll see firsthand what a difference movement can make to your stamina and energy levels.

Previous article Sunday Thoughts (immune boosting foods)


David Lew - October 26, 2020

I’m necessarily all eager for publishing this writing. I have 7 days before a DVD order of Mission Impossible (70s TV series) arrives. I was going to comment on what I’m writing now. (slowing down)
7 months back, I started studying a 70s musical group: Carpenters (a definite favorite with our family, we’re Chinese, dad served around 1954, as a cook, 2 years, 5 years, I can’t remember how long. I served 1987-1989, peace time)
“Slowing down”.
Brought up, I wanted to say/comment about a review on Mission Impossible.
(arriving at my place in 7 days, why not comment now, 7 days earlier)
The Carpenters (Richard and Karen) are said to be born in a typical suburban middle class family.
Suburban: I found definitions, such as: contemptibly dull and ordinary.
(An online dictionary)
28 July, 2020, I found (for suburb: Suburbs have more single-family homes than apartment buildings, and living there, you are more likely to have a yard with trees and grass. The downside is, if you work in the city, you might have a long commute that adds to the time you are away from your family.
Downside (I hesitate to impose this on others because I had such a difficult time finding a definition for it) I finally (after 7 months) found a good definition that worked for me: The downside of a situation is the aspect of it which is less positive, pleasant, or useful than its other aspects.
Not finding the above definition of “downside” is why I’ve been slow, for the past 7 months. I was going to say this 7 days from now, when my DVD of Mission Impossible arrived and write a review under Mission Impossible.
But, since you brought up slowing down.
Not (also: “downside” defines suburban, which is what set out to define to begin with. Yes, I now know the Carpenters are placed in the “suburban” family category) knowing equals slow down. (I’m 59 and was a great childhood fan of the Carpenters. “Downside” defines “suburban”. I know this duo, as seen from America’s eyes: suburban. (downside is you commute into the city, leave your family, etc., etc.)
I know “downside” so well I could speak about every aspect of my life using that word: home was great, the “downside” is….life, growing up in the 70s was great, the downside was the “Vietnam” war.
John F. Kennedy was great.
The downside is a U.S. citizen like me, tries to live up to being an American, which also involves understanding WWII, earlier, earlier, and earlier.
In other words: “dad, what about modern equipment, gadgets, ideas”. “Why listen or heed your ‘work hard’ son, demands price for a good life. Life is….from his point of view. (what about mine, youth)
So, I know that word.
I hope it doesn’t confuse you like it stumped me, for the past 7 months.

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