Sunday Thoughts (breathe in, breathe out…)

Normally on a Sunday I like to share my thoughts, and give a little perspective on life and health.
Today's a little different.
Yes, I have some thoughts to share. And it has to do with health.
After all, that's what I do.
But if you're feeling like I have lately, you may need a quick fix to reset yourself a bit. Because if you haven't noticed, our world has gone cuckoo.
So with that in mind, here's what I want you to do.
Take a moment to pause – right now – and follow your breath in and out, 3 times.
In-out. In-out. In-out.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let your breath settle into its own natural rhythm.
As you simply follow your breath in and out, take notice of your chest and belly, and watch them rise and then fall.
Very simple stuff, don't you think? But when you're done, take notice how different you feel.
Careful, "mindful" breathing is not a new thing. Clearly you've been breathing your whole life.
But this year, with chaos and tragedy swirling all around, we can easily forget to take full breaths.
We're flipping back and forth from one crisis to the next, powered by anxiousness and urgency.
We're often left stuck in a "fight or flight" mode that has us in a constant state of emergency inside.
And yet, with a few long, calm, deep (really deep) breaths, we disrupt that stress response in our bodies. We can take a step back, and start to see things more clearly.
Do this and you'll respond to the things around you more calmly. And spare ourselves the snap (or poor) decisions we can make.
Things you'd never do if you were feeling grounded.
If you take a moment each day to just breathe, you'll be doing yourself a world of good. You're resetting the course for your day in an instant.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. And be safe out there.
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