Sunday Thoughts (what next?)

So... where do we go from here?

It's a question I've been thinking about a lot lately.

In the shower, on my walks, as I drift off to sleep.

In my lifetime, I don't recall a time where this country I love has felt so divided.

It's worrying.

If you're at all paying attention, you're probably a little worried too.

But if there's one thing I yammer about repeatedly here it's trying to find the good in the bad. To sift through the rubble and elevate the light.

And you know what? Even though it feels like our country is fractured, even the worst broken bones eventually start to heal.

It starts with remembering that for all our differences, we've got more in common that we typically remember.

Think about how your day started this morning. Did you enjoy a nice cup of coffee? I did.

And so did 150 million other Americans.

So a lot of us can agree on something at least.

While we're enjoying our coffee, we're probably tending to our pets. 85 million of them.

Now you may not agree with your neighbor about everything, but when you're standing together in the dog park, you've got something pretty special in common with the folks next to you.

If you've got a cell phone, you're the same as 96% of your fellow countrymen and women. We can't agree on a lot, but nearly everyone will admit – this technology is pretty amazing.

No matter what news you're reading on it, or where it comes from.

I know Sunday mornings in my house are typically filled with the smell of bacon. I can remember when bacon was a scapegoat for every health ill known to man.

I never paid attention to that, and 8 out of ten of you don't either.

Because come on, it's bacon. 268 million Americans eat it. How many other things like that do many people agree on these days?

And think about this when you start to worry that there's more bad than good in the world. You're part of something here that regularly supports valuable veterans and military charities.

People who could really use (and certainly deserve) the help. You're doing that.

And 6 out of 10 households in this country are generously supporting charities too.

Today, every hour, 15 children will be adopted. Finding a new family, and starting a new life. And this year, over 3 million pets will also find new homes too.

If you can't smile about those things, you need to try harder.

So when I start to feel down, or wonder why things aren't so good right now, I have to catch myself with a reminder.

The country may be in a bad place. But the people, the people still are good.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. And stay safe.


Previous article Take A Break


Richard A Smith - February 8, 2021

Thank you for the letter. I can’t stop crying. I lost my best friend this past Thursday. My heart aches. I did’nt get to say goodbye. He was in sw michigan during the blizzard and I here in Florida. He lost trying to navigate the roads and went off the road, hit 7 trees and when he stopped he could not get out. The rescue helped him get out and he was gone. Sitting here and wondering. Had he made it, but then is when I knew. GOD had him. I will always have him in my heart. I’m in hopes in Heaven.You wonder what’s next, I have no idea. Again thanks for the letter! My heart is so heavy….I must go. GOD be with you! Rick

Jean - February 8, 2021

💖 Thank you.

edi biggerstaff - February 8, 2021

Bless you. You always go right to the meat of the matter. Its hard to find much good right now
and it seems to have nothing to do with our neighbors and people in general. Much of the good done
in the last years is being undone and that is because of our glorious leaders. But it is good to be
able to count those things that are working right in our world. Thanks

nancy L hicks - February 8, 2021

Thank you for the Sunday thoughts, I am always heartened by your outlook.

Bonnie Walters - February 8, 2021

Thank you for the thought filled article. We as a country have many wonderful things for which we can be grateful. Thank you again for the reminder to count our blessings.

Patricia Rankin - February 8, 2021

Again thank you for your support, your uplifting comments and awesome advice. I am being hit hard by this demon and getting stronger with the help from God words and everything that is apositive. Again thanks for your inspiration and insight.

Donni - February 8, 2021

I do whole heartedly agree that our people are good and I understand being frustrated with this whole situation but we will survive just stay strong . I love reading your post thank you

Peg - February 8, 2021

Thank you for your “positive” thoughts,
Yes there are good things out there to try and remind ourselves of, but then the reality sets back in when one sees the over reaching, constitution breaking left wingers attack the basic God Given rights that were guaranteed to us by the inspired founding fathers. You don’t have to post this…….but i know without a shadow of doubt that this whole conspired mess we find our country in today has all been phrophetsized and that evil has seeped in to all levels of our government and society. Im as comfortable as can be expected in this day and age thanks to my faith in God and his plan. And most certainly to Patriot Supply for the materials that you supply.

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