Volunteering Is Good for Your Health?

The holidays are often filled with hustle and bustle.
But for Karen and I, this time of year is also when we like to give back to our community.
I’m a huge fan of volunteering.
Volunteering not only gives you a feel-good “helper’s high,” research has found volunteering can provide real health benefits, like lowering your risk of heart disease, improving your mood, easing pain… and even improving longevity.
This year, the pandemic has put a crimp in most traditional volunteer plans.
But there are still ways you can serve your community safely.
Like donating to a nonprofit whose purpose speaks to you.
Love animals? Donate to your local animal shelter.
Want to help our U.S. Veterans? Consider giving to some of the charities we here at Patriot Health Alliance support, like Fisher House Foundation, Hire Heroes, The Soldier’s Project and Pets for Vets.
Many nonprofits are hurting right now and would be most grateful for whatever you are able to give.
With the economic downturn, many food banks and pantries are serving more families than ever.
You could donate non-perishable food. Or, contact them about volunteering in person to pack and sort donated foods and supplies.
Not sure where to find a food bank? Check out Feeding America or Food Pantries to find an organization near you.
Another way you can help? Donate blood.
According to the American Red Cross, the months of November and December are typically challenging to collect blood. The pandemic has made it even more difficult with the cancellation of blood drives.
If you’re eligible, contact a blood bank to see if you can donate.
Finally, stay in touch with neighbors and friends who are alone right now, particularly those who are older.
This time of year can bring sadness to those who don’t have someone to spend the holidays with.
But with the pandemic forcing many folks to stay home, that sense of loneliness will only increase.
A simple phone call or a conversation through the door could really brighten their day.
With COVID, everything feels a little different this year, even volunteering.
But the need for donations and volunteer time is even greater.
If you have the means and the time, consider giving.
You could, quite literally, save a life. And, it will make you feel pretty good, too.
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