What the Color of Your Urine Reveals About You

I’ve talked about poop color.

And, I’ve talked about snot color.

Today’s email focuses on more colors our body produces… urine color.

You already know standard pee is yellowish to amber in color.

Doctors refer to the typical yellow color of urine as urochrome.

This pigment is produced by your body breaking down hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in your red blood cells.

Most often, the color of your urine will depend on how diluted this pigment is.

Amber, orange or brown urine is typically an indication that you’re dehydrated and need to increase your water consumption.

But when you’re well hydrated, and hopefully most of you are, that shade of yellow will be light.

Got clear pee?

Chances are you’re drinking too much water.

Yes, there is such a thing as drinking too much water.

When you overdo it on the water, you begin to rob your body of critical electrolytes.

So, if you pee clear, that’s a clue that you should cut back a little bit on your water intake.

Neon yellow pee occurs when you have a lot of b-vitamins in your bloodstream.

I usually see this after taking my multivitamin.

A pink or red tint to your pee can be alarming, but is not always cause for concern.

If you’ve recently eaten fruits with pink or red pigments like blueberries, rhubarb or beets, your pee may look red or pink.

Food or dyes used in foods can result in blue or green pee.

If you’re drinking plenty of water, haven’t recently eaten anything with a strong pigment or dye, and your urine color is concerning, reach out to your doctor.

Some serious health conditions can cause pink/red or blue/green pee color, such as liver, prostate, and kidney issues.

Cloudy pee can also be an indication of dehydration.

But cloudy and foamy urine is cause for concern, so contact your healthcare provider if you notice that.

Just as the color of your poop provides clues on what’s going on with your digestive system, and snot color gives an indication of what’s happening with your immune and respiratory health, the color of your pee offers a glimpse of what’s going on inside your body.

Take a peek in the bowl after you “go” at least once a week for signs on your own health.

Stay safe out there.

Previous article Sunday Thoughts (immune boosting foods)

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