Will COVID-19 Vaccines Be Effective and Safe?

You could fill an entire set of encyclopedias with information about the COVID-19 pandemic. It has come from health officials, media and politicians. Not to mention social media.

 The pandemic has been the number one topic of conversation ever since the coronavirus began infecting people in the U.S. last January.

 Frequently the news centers on statistics. As of this writing, more than 14.8 million Americans have tested positive. And more than 282,000 have died. It’s said that 60 to 70 percent of the population must become immune to halt the spread.

 We also hear related stories. Including new guidelines from the CDC, business closings and self-testing at home. Lately there’s been a lot of talk about vaccines, and that’s what I want to address today. And give you a chance to voice your opinion.

 To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

Whether or not to receive a vaccination is a controversial issue. Many people refuse all vaccinations. Others get every vaccination recommended by their doctor.

Some who normally shy away from vaccinations say they’re considering this one. Mainly because they are high risk due to their age or an underlying condition. Some are thinking about getting it but want to wait to see if people have side effects.

The purpose of this communication is not to recommend getting or not getting a COVID-19 vaccination when it becomes available.

It’s merely to present an update on the progress of the various vaccinations being developed and tested.

Operation Warp Speed

Normally the process to create an effective vaccine takes years. First, vaccines are tested on animals to see if they work and what the side effects are. This usually involves three to six months.

Next, Phase 1 clinical trials are conducted with a small number of humans. Phase 2 involves establishing the formulation and doses of the vaccine to determine its effectiveness. In Phase 3, the effectiveness needs to be proven in a larger group.

President Donald Trump has called the current approach Operation Warp Speed. Less than one year after the disease reached our shores, we have several coronavirus vaccines showing promise.

In a case where a pandemic is raging out of control, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can give emergency authorization for a vaccine’s use. It might happen this month. 

Emergency use of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine has been approved in the UK. Vaccines could be administered to some people as early as this week.

Let’s take a look at the leading vaccine candidates.

Oxford University/AstraZeneca Vaccine

Trials with the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine have been conducted. They show it stops up to 90 percent of people from developing COVID-19 symptoms. With no severe cases of coronavirus reported.

This vaccine is given in two doses (a half-dose followed by a full dose at least one month later). It needs only 36-46 degrees Fahrenheit storage temperatures. Trials with about 20,000 people are continuing.

Recently there has been public conflict between Oxford and AstraZeneca regarding how their data was obtained. 

The vaccine is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus from chimpanzees. It’s been modified so it won’t grow in humans. It’s significantly less expensive than its rivals.

Pfizer/BioNtech Vaccine

This vaccine has shown an effective rate of 95 percent in clinical trials. So far, about 43,000 people have been given the vaccine, with no safety concerns reported. Forty-five percent of U.S. participants were ages 56-85.

It is given in two doses, three weeks apart. Protection is achieved 28 days after the first shot. The biggest drawback with this vaccine is that it needs to be stored at minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit.

The deep-freeze delivery chain involves a special box packed in dry ice and installed with GPS trackers. It can be stored for up to six months.

Once delivered, the vaccine can be stored for up to five days at about 35 to 46 degrees before being administered. This vaccine uses a tiny fragment of the virus’ genetic code. It starts making part of the virus in the body before the immune system attacks it.

Moderna Vaccine

The Moderna vaccine uses the same technology and approach as the Pfizer vaccine. It protects 94 percent of the people it’s been tested on. Two doses are required, four weeks apart. 

About 30,000 people were involved in this trial. One-half were given the vaccine and the other half a placebo.

One advantage with this vaccine is it remains stable at minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Moderna officials are expected to soon join Pfizer/BioNtech in requesting FDA authorization for emergency usage.

Who Will Get It First?

If one or more vaccines prove effective and safe enough to gain public trust, then it’s all about distribution. Groups likely to receive it first are older Americans and healthcare workers.

The U.S. government has finalized deals to secure 100 million doses of both the Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna vaccines. With options to acquire hundreds of millions more.

Dr. Anthony Fauci says he is pleasantly surprised at the effectiveness vaccine manufacturers are claiming. He had said he would be satisfied if the effective rate were in the 70 to 75 percent range.

Others are more skeptical. They’re concerned about how quickly these vaccines were produced and tested. They believe not enough test subjects have been used. They feel manufacturers have not provided enough details about side effects.

What About You?

I’d love to know what you’re thinking about this subject. If you’d like to respond to one simple question, please record your answer (1, 2 or 3) in the comments section below. As always, let's be civil with our additional comments.

Will you get an approved COVID-19 vaccination?

1) Yes, as soon as it’s available.

2) No, never.

3) I’ll take a wait-and-see approach.


Previous article Sunday Thoughts (immune boosting foods)


Ellen N - January 5, 2021

No. And I don’t dare post all my reasons. Also, I have had anaphylactic reactions before and have many confirmed allergies. Not interested in another experience with anaphylaxis. Lifestyle practices will have to suffice.

Barbara - December 30, 2020
I’d prefer to wait it out even if I’m in the age group that would be the first to receive after the first responders. I personally feel I might have had it back in the beginning of Feb. Went to Dr and they gave me antibiotics and said I was at the end of it. He was referring to bronchitis but didn’t really say that. It wasn’t until I made another appt and that Dr gave me a different antibiotic in Mar and then it finally went away. It was the second Dr that told me I had bronchitis. I have had bronchitis before but this was worse than the others and this is why I feel I had it. I normal get the flu shot every yr and never got sick though some family members got sick after flu shot. This being said everyone is different and handles/reacts to vaccines differently.
It is nice/good that they came up with a vaccine this fast but like others have said it wasn’t tried on animals and you can’t find out what is in it. All this said I till would go with #3.
Tina - December 29, 2020


Nancy - December 29, 2020
At this time I’m a strong #2 but given the circumstances of the current Pandemic, I’m trying to remain open minded.
Nancy - December 28, 2020
At this time I’m a strong #2 but given the circumstances of the current Pandemic, I’m trying to remain open minded.
Lori - December 28, 2020

I’m one that has never taken the flu shot & I’m very healthy. I do not plan to take this one either.

Carmen - December 29, 2020

I say NO because they won’t give you a list of what is in it and I’m a naturalist! I know that by building your immune system many illnesses can be concerned! It’s not that hard to do this it a life style, but it’s never to late to do. First educate yourself on what is bad for your body and stay away from it! Then eat organic. Then walk, lift weights do yoga or what ever you enjoy to keep the body moving,! Spend a little money and get good natural vitamin.Last pray , talk to God read your Bible and follow it’s teaching. Building up your immune system has to be done in Mind Body And Sprite!

Rebecca Tabler - December 23, 2020

The food and drug administration has approved many drugs that contain ingredients that cause dangerous side effects. The drug companies have indemnity and are not liable for any side effects including death. That is enough reason to reject the vaccines. I have been researching for a list of all the ingredients, what each one does and what is the source for each ingredient. I have not been able to find a complete list, only partial. That is sinister to me. If the vaccines are safe, give the public all of the information about them. I am not comfortable with the ingredients I have read about. I have heard several doctors say these vaccines have the ability to alter human dna, contain dna from aborted baby parts, pig dna and that you are more likely to get covid from the vaccine than from going shopping. I don’t feel comfortable with injecting my grandchildren with lipid nanoparticles or animal dna or aborted baby parts or any drug that is not shown efficacy in a 10 to 15 years trial. Once a person takes the vaccine they are given a card. I am concerned that if enough of the population takes the vaccine, it will be used as the next tool for coivd tyranny. We will all have to prove we had the vaccine to have certain services available to us, which given the fact that 99.8 % survive covid 19, it is completely outrageous to force that on the public. You give an inch to the government, they will steal a mile. Vaccines must be a choice and not be used against those who say no thank you to the vaccine. www.makeamericansfreeagain.com

Nancy - December 16, 2020

Initially my answer would have been no, however, as more data became available & after to speaking with people I trust I will be getting it. I am a healthcare worker in Long Term Care with the most vulnerable population so will be in the first group to receive it. I do this to protect those I provide care too.

Rodney Smith - December 16, 2020

To be honest, I am on the fence with this Pandemic/Endemic debacle, and I feel I will be apart of the wait-and-see crowd. This is were I stand, unless… a (court order) forced vaccination is put through congress as a mandatory necessity. The subject matter at hand is very complex and these steadfast/ quick release vaccines should be of high concern to all. I wish we could get greater exposure (on national Television) as to what truly makes up this virus. From the few resources that we can find (when deep research is done) from the Internet and private pod cast, we are only able to understand what this virus is truly composed of. Independent Labs and scientist (Highly credible in their fields) from around the globe (that do not answer to government regulators, and yet… are restricted from speaking out to the public about their findings) have produced outlandish sounding results during/from their studies. I’ve heard warnings have been presented to government officials, stating the findings, that show the genetic splicing of the “Novel” SARS-Coronavirus/HIV Recombinant as raising serious concerns by those who recognize , as to the quick approval for vaccine releases world wide. I’m no doctor, but… this all only sounds like we are missing other highly advanced and effective methods from the world of inventions and discoveries, to eradicate this problem, due to the cost and exposure of what has existed all along, in the fields of advanced technology and medicine. I guess we are not worth the expense, which in my heart and soul is very sad.

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