Cheat day... have the ice cream

I preach a ton about goals. Sticking to a plan. And eating a healthy and balanced diet, with an emphasis on fruits & veggies.
So what I’m going to say next may surprise you.
Maybe you should take these healthy eating goals and chuck them out the window.
If only for an hour, or maybe a whole day.
You see, there are some experts who think, especially when it comes to healthy eating, that the key to a successful lifestyle change (don't call it a diet) is to throw caution to the wind once in a while.
And cheat. Like, really cheat.
Whatever you've given up - whether that's salty chips, a juicy cheeseburger on a soft bun, or rich chocolate cake... just go for it.
Some people think that if you allow yourself to break from restrictions and just eat whatever you want, it's the best way to actually stay healthy.
Or even break through a plateau if you've been dropping a few pounds and suddenly, things stop.
How? Well, there is some science to it.
When you change what you eat, your body adjusts to receiving fewer calories, and your metabolism slows down. It can be frustrating for you to be steadily losing weight and then you hit a rut.
But if you throw a bunch more kindling on the fire, you can interrupt this pattern.
The end result is, after your "cheat meal," you actually end up eating less.
Plus, it's hard to be "good" all the time, isn't it?
So while I don't normally eat this stuff, if I'm in Philly, it's time for a soft pretzel or a cheesesteak.
And if you think I'm not having a slice of pizza if I'm in New York, well... fuhgetaboutit.
You have to know yourself though. Are you the type who can get back on track?
I know what it takes to make me feel good. And I know that if I eat like this too much, not only will pounds creep back on, I'm going to feel sluggish or bloated or just plain lousy.
After resetting my way of eating years ago, I don't crave the same things I used to. And sometimes a cheat meal or day just reminds me why I don't eat these things that often in the first place.
If you think stepping away from your goals just sets you up for a week-long bender of pizza and ice cream, maybe it's not for you.
Because nothing really tastes as good as being healthy feels.
So if you’re out and about this summer and you find an ice cream shop that looks good, get yourself a scoop.
Just don’t load up your freezer at home with a bunch of pints afterwards.
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