Do You Like Movies?

I used to go to the movies a lot. But I don't go as much as I used to, and part of the reason is this.

Hollywood's idea of real life and what I see around me aren't even close to the same.

I'm not talking about big-budget blockbusters. By all means, keep cranking out the superheroes and the Star Wars flicks…

But for most movies, what ends up on the big screen isn't really reflective of what I see around me.

Let's face it: how folks over 60 are portrayed on TV and in the movies can be a bit insulting.

Movies act like once you hit 65, you're no longer interested in romance or physical intimacy.

And that's downright wrong. If you read polls of seniors (AARP does this a lot) they make it pretty clear…

"The need for and interest in sexual intimacy doesn't stop at a certain age."

More than 3 out of 4 in the survey believe it's important for a romantic relationship no matter what your age.

Way more than half of folks 65-80 are still quite interested in sex. And more than half see it as way of improving your quality of life.

This is all very encouraging. Because they're right.

Physical intimacy is a key part of your physical health and your emotional state of mind.

But some things I read about this are definitely troubling.

Staying intimate is an important part of good health. Twice as many of those in "good" health are sexually active as those that aren't.

So there's another reason to eat right and get your body moving each day, right?

But there's another area that needs some improving too: our willingness to talk about it. Because nearly 20% said they would not talk to anyone about it, no matter the circumstances.

I do get it. It's not something we talk about in "polite company." It's about as personal as it gets. And if you're having trouble, it can be embarrassing to say the least.

It's not surprising I guess that men especially clam up on the subject. While we've come a long way on opening up about issues, we still have a way to go.

Fortunately, some of my customers are brave enough to share their own stories about this. 

Stories about how well Ultimate Male works can sometimes be a little personal.

So I'm grateful to men like Clarence who told me "I've noticed an increase in my testosterone levels. I've also noticed increased energy, and everything is working well in 'that' area."

Sam from Texas also used the same "code words" – but I think you'll understand…

"I am almost 70 years old. Since taking Ultimate Male, I've noticed I have more energy, and have noticed progress in that 'area.' I plan to order it again."

Code words, hand signals, put it in a song if you want. But I encourage you to speak more openly about this area of your life.

With your spouse. Your doctor. And if you have a success story for me that you'd be willing to share… I'm sure it would help other folks out there too.

God Bless,

Jeff Reagan

Editor, Patriot Health Alliance

P.S. I certainly hope I don't have to stop for directions somewhere and they tell me to turn left to get to "that area." Because lately that only means one place…

At least, when it comes to customer stories.

Patrick writes… "I am 61 years old. The Ultimate Male has really helped me.

I am a smoker, and smoking can affect 'that area.' But Ultimate Male has really worked for me. I want to let others know how it has been helping me."

Thanks for sharing. But do try to quit the cigarettes, Patrick. I want guys like you around for the long haul.

For all the details on Ultimate Male, simply go here.
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