Sunday Thoughts (how to be mentally strong)
There's one simple thing you can do each day to make you mentally stronger.
It doesn't cost a thing.
It takes only minutes.
Anyone can do it.
Sounds easy, right?
Not exactly. In today's world, even though it's simple, that doesn't mean it's easy.
I'm talking about practicing gratitude.
Being thankful.
Yes, there's a lot to be worried and stressed about. But there's always something to be thankful for, if you stop and think about it.
And I'm telling you, you should.
Whether you're thankful for the food on your table, clean water to drink, or a friend that can make you laugh, the advantages of recognizing your gratitude and embracing it are profound.
It can change your life.
And boy, do many of us need it right now.
Gratitude helps you bounce back from trauma. It boosts your self-esteem. It makes you happy.
It can boost your social life, and improve your relationships. Or even help you sleep better.
These things are all shown by science.
Ok, you may be thinking. But how do I do it?
There are many ways, and surely one that will work for you.
Like writing a letter to someone, letting them know how thankful they're in your life.
Can you imagine how you'd feel if you got a letter like this? Well, you'll feel just as good writing it, trust me.
Or create a picture wall or collage that shows the people and things you're thankful for. It can do wonders to look up from your computer and see your favorite people, places and things each day.
Experiencing thankfulness is one thing. It's expressing it that makes it so powerful.
Make it a habit to tell people you appreciate them. A hurried "thanks" doesn't carry the same amount as a heartfelt "thank you so much for doing that."
They mean the same thing on the surface. But how they're heard, and how they make the other person feel – it's a world of difference.
And we can all use our worlds to feel different right now.
What are you thankful for? Who makes your life what it is? And when's the last time you told them?
Something to think about. Give it a try!
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