The 7 Warning SIgns You Could Have a Magnesium Deficiency

Some people who suffer from a magnesium deficiency don't even know it. It's an often overlooked health problem that can have serious adverse health effects.

And it doesn't take a freak accident for it to happen to you. Some medications can cause it. It can even happen after a serious case of diarrhea. And if you suffer from diabetes or celiac disease, you're at risk too.

So I've got 7 tell-tale signs of magnesium deficiency. So you can catch it before it gets serious.

Muscle Twitches & Cramps

The first sign is muscle twitches. This happens because of a greater flow of calcium into nerve cells.

Best case, you may notice a twitch. Worst case? A deficiency could cause seizures or convulsions.

Now, just because you have a twitch doesn't mean you're lacking magnesium. There are other causes, like stress or too much caffeine. It could also be a side effect of any medicines you may be taking.

Occasional twitching isn't a sign for concern, but if it persists, talk with your doctor.

Worsening Mental Health

You may also notice worse mental health. Things like apathy or depression can be linked to a magnesium deficiency.

Now, for some folks, it's common to have a worse mental state during the winter. It's called seasonal affective disorder (or, ironically, SAD). But if your normal, cheery personality is feeling subdued this winter, it could be a lack of magnesium.

Higher Risk of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can weaken your bones and increase your risk of a bone fracture. Some other conditions can increase your risk, such as age, lack of exercise and a poor diet. But it can also come from a magnesium deficiency.

That's because a lack of magnesium lowers the blood levels of calcium in your bones. And we've all seen the "Got Milk" ads: low calcium means weak bones.

Fatigue and muscle weakness

Feeling extra tired? It could be because of low magnesium. Of course, we all get tired every now and then. But severe fatigue, even after you rest, could be a warning sign.

It's impossible to measure fatigue. We all feel it differently. But muscle weakness is something we can measure. And you guessed it — it can be caused by a lack of magnesium. Folks much smarter than I am think it's from a lack of potassium in the muscles. Which just so happens to be a condition associated with magnesium deficiency.
High Blood Pressure

Yes — it's not just because of too much salt. Animal studies show that losing out on magnesium can increase blood pressure. Which means low magnesium can increase your chance at heart disease.

Like all things, high blood pressure has other causes. But if you're suffering from a worse mental state, fatigue and new high blood pressure? It could be a sign you need to raise your magnesium levels.


If you have asthma, there's a decent chance you need more magnesium. Studies show magnesium levels are lower in folks with asthma.

Researchers believe a lack of magnesium causes calcium to build up in the airways of the lungs. This constricts those airways and makes it harder to breathe. That's why some inhalers contain magnesium sulfate.

Irregular Heartbeat

It's also known as heart arrhythmia. And it's quite possibly the most serious side effect.

It can range from no symptoms to symptoms as serious as heart palpitations. You could also feel lightheadedness, a shortness of breath or chest pains. In the most serious cases, you could increase the risk of a stroke or heart failure.

Treat this as a list of warning signs. Even if you have 1 or 2, it's best to talk with your doctor.

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