Old Dogs & Love

Nobody wants to feel alone or unwanted. 

It’s true for people and it’s true for animals.

I talk a lot about making friends, and reaching out to help others. And I can recall reading a story that about choked me up.

It’s just so wonderful what a group of folks are doing, it gives me hope. Let me explain. 

There’s a place in Elk Rapids, Michigan where senior dogs can finally find a home. 

It doesn’t matter whether they need extra care, or they’re on their last legs. Silver Muzzle Cottage takes them in, and gives them what they really need.

“They don’t ask for much when they’re really old. They want to be loved and cared for, they want food, and they just need a warm place to lay their head at night,” says the owner of Silver Muzzle, Kim Skarritt.

Often these dogs had a home once, but they became too much trouble, or their owners couldn’t keep up. 

At a time when they needed tender care the most, they were left alone. But not anymore.

Here, they live cage-free, comfortable and with dignity.

If a dog at Silver Muzzle is adopted or fostered out, terrific. But even if they aren’t, they’ll always have a home and a caring person to give belly rubs, treats and ear scratches.

Silver Muzzle takes in homeless dogs that are 10 years old or older, and dogs of any age that are suffering a terminal illness.

And nobody tells these dogs not to sit on the couch.

If that doesn’t warm your heart, check yourself for a pulse.

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Oliver S. Ewing - August 9, 2021

Wow, This place seems very caring for these animals. I would love to adopt one of them and love them as they would love us unconditional. That’s one thing about a dog, they always love you. It must be hard on some of these animals being given up , etc. There’s a lot of reasons why. Either the family is moving and can’t take their dog with them or their owner is at the point in their life’s that they can’t care for them anymore because they themselves are going into a nursing home . No matter the circumstances of their displacement at least they have you folks to take these dogs in to care for them until they go and cross the Rainbow Bridge. I would love to come up their to pickup a dog and bring him home with me and my wife. I just wonder that How many dogs have been taken to their vets office to have them put down. Hopefully the veterinary knows about you and will send you their dogs versus putting them down.

Sandy - August 9, 2021


Renee - August 9, 2021

What a beautiful story… old dogs, sick dogs need love too. If I had my way my home would be just like this for all the ones that need a home!
God bless Silver Muzzle Cottage🙏💞

Jim Adkinson - August 8, 2021

This place sounds awesome. I’m so glad for places like these. I have a senior wiener dog name Rosie and she’s 15yrs old. She is in good shape and enjoys every day. I’m a senior also and if my time ended its nice to know of places like this for Rosie. I follow a place like this,they are located in Missouri. Thanks to all these people who help a furry friend.

Scott Pinta - August 8, 2021

If it comes down to where the owners can’t give them the proper care, because of the owners age, then yes or if the local Vet provides a service where they come too the house for walking the dog or administering medication, its both good for the owners and their fur babies.

Gene Stephens - August 8, 2021

I’m not usually the one to post a comment or messages. Too many times people’s comments start with snide ugly comments all negative. Love that there is a place for unwanted Dogs. Which brings me to Old Dogs & Old Men. I have my now 10 year old Scottty. Ever since Puppyhood. I look at her every once in a while & try to convey to her….“You & I are in this till the end, Ol’ Buddy”
How much love in return can you ask for

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