Protect Your Brain Health, Memory, And So Much More

Choline. It’s the essential nutrient your brain needs to function at its best. 

Your brain uses choline to make two important chemicals that are absolutely critical for sharp memory: acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine.

Age-related forgetfulness can stem from your body’s inability to produce enough of these important chemicals. When you’re low, your memory and cognition can start to slow.

Sadly, the body can’t make enough choline on its own to keep it healthy. That’s why it’s called “essential.”

You need to continue getting a healthy amount of choline from your diet to keep your levels strong and your mind sharp.

But we’re just not getting enough.

Because one of the best food sources of choline is eggs. And that’s where the problem begins.

Now, if you’ve been with me for a while, you know I love eggs and eat them several times a week. I believe that the cholesterol in eggs is key to keeping your memory sharp and supporting your brain function.

But a lot of “health experts” out there raised a red flag on eggs almost 50 years ago. They told you to avoid eggs so you don’t raise your cholesterol. Big mistake.

So for decades… eggs were labeled “bad” for your health. Americans avoided them out of fear of what they could do to their heart health.

But finally, in 2016, researchers from Harvard University decided to take a closer look at whether eating high-cholesterol foods actually impacted the cholesterol levels in your blood.

Science proves that eggs aren't the enemy after all.

What the team found was that egg consumption isn’t associated with a higher risk of heart issues, except for those with blood sugar concerns.

Hear that? Eating eggs does NOT always impact your cholesterol!

Unfortunately, after 40+ years of avoiding eggs, the damage was done. Adult brains across America are literally starving for choline. This is one of the reasons I keep the house stocked with fresh eggs from organically fed, free-range chickens.

So I may be getting enough, but I’m certainly in the minority. In fact, a study has shown that 92% of Americans are deficient in choline. (Wallace, 2017)

The issue is now of such grave concern that the National Institutes of Health just gave researchers at the University of North Carolina Nutrition Research Institute a 4-year, $2.6 million grant to develop a credible test to determine choline deficiency in humans. (Menayang, 2018)

Now, if the U.S. government is actually acknowledging that there’s a choline crisis… and throwing money at it… you know the situation isn’t good.

When your choline levels are low, you can experience poor concentration, difficulty with focus and recall, mood swings and other cognitive challenges.

But choline’s impact goes beyond the brain…

Low levels of choline can also affect your muscles and liver. In fact, the most common sign of choline deficiency is too much fat in your liver.

That’s because choline is one of nature’s best natural liver cleansers. It plays an essential role in clearing fat — including cholesterol and triglycerides — from the liver and shuttling them along to where they’re needed most in your body.

Choline even plays a role in beating back inflammation. When you get more than 310 mg per day, you’re likely to see lower levels of CRP, IL-6, and TNF-alpha, three key markers of inflammation. (Detopoulou, 2008)

Now you may be wondering… so how much do I need?

Guess what? There’s no Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for choline.

Instead, an “adequate intake,” or AI, of 550 mg daily for men and 425 mg for women was set back in 1998.

Still, most older Americans get much less than that.

One researcher found that adults 71 or older were consuming just 264 mg per day.

I don’t think that’s good enough. And you need to add more to fill in the gaps.

Patriot Vital4 gives you 300 mg of choline citrate — a potent dose to nourish your brain, support your liver and keep your muscles functioning properly. Plus so much more. 

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