Sunday Thoughts (a confession)

I have a confession to make. And it probably won’t come as a surprise.

Even though I talk a good game when it comes to exercise and nutrition, and my goal is to give good advice you can put to work in your own life, my life isn’t perfect. 

And even though I’ve been really good about sticking with my exercise routine, more often these days, I’m not feeling it 100%.

The thing is, I’m ok with that. And you should be too.

I look at exercise this way. For 1 out of every 4 times I work out, it’s going to be a struggle. Maybe I didn’t get enough sleep, or I’m stressed, or life gets in the way. 

Half of my workouts are fairly routine. Two times out of 4, I get the job done, but no big changes.

The other one feels great. When I show up on these days and take advantage, I see real improvements. 

But let’s stop to think about this for a second. 

If you manage to do your walk, run or whatever you do even on the “lousy” days, it’s better than nothing. It’s progress. And for that, you should be congratulated. 

It may not feel like much, but it is still a step forward. 

Those 50% of workouts that feel normal and routine – this is your foundation. Establishing a pattern that only grows over time. Little by little.

And those really good workouts are what show you what’s possible. They raise your ceiling to new heights. 

Stepping back and adding it up is important. Because even though 3 out of 4 times you’re not feeling awesome, you’re still getting better. Trust me, it’s science.

When you learn to adjust, listen to your body, pull back if you have to and push when you can, you’ll get the big prizes. 

A stronger body. Peace of mind. Better health. And a renewed outlook.

Any goal you have of getting better means accepting a few steps backward at times. As humans, we make decisions all the time, both good and bad. 

The bad ones are only a problem if we let them define us, and start to ripple. 

We stress about missed workouts, unhealthy meals, staying up too late. But you can always restart, take back your health, and find the wins again.

Don’t dwell on the times you’re not feeling it. Try to dig deep and just show up. And if you don’t, shrug it off and commit to starting over. 

If you focus on the big picture, I can guarantee – you’ll live a very fit and healthy life for years to come. 

Previous article Sunday Thoughts (immune boosting foods)


Gene - July 18, 2021

Thanks for that email. It was positive and very encouraging. Just show up and take that first step. Any progress is progress.

Judy Shinabarger - July 18, 2021

Have more energy, is this in my head, wishful thinking? Will continue with free samples, Thank you!

DBowen - July 18, 2021

Great advice on exercise! I’m a super procrastinator with good intentions that fall by the wayside.
Thanks for your perspective!!

Leland - July 18, 2021

Over a year ago I started again using my cellerciser/rebounder for approximately 300 jumping jacks a day & thought that was then TERRIFFIC⚡

A few days ago I apparently probably overdid my rebounder exercises in retrospect & have a sore mid-section that will go away soon enough as usual.

I did 1500 jumping jacks then😄

Thanks SO MUCH for your AWESOME health products that allow me to get stronger day after day in my senior years💛

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