Sunday Thoughts (America's Pastime)

Sometimes, all I want to do is sit back & watch America's Pastime.
If you've read my blogs for a while, you know I'm a big baseball fan. After all, it's as American as Apple Pie.
And to me, it can teach us some pretty good mirror of life lessons.
Take the Atlanta Braves for example. They were stinking it up for half the year in 2021. Then they made some big changes halfway through the season.
And guess what? They went on to win it all.
And it's a good reminder to us all actually. Sometimes, it feels like we're a little too old to start something new. But I believe that you can teach an old dog some new tricks. Especially when it comes to taking care of your body.
For example, maybe you have trouble falling asleep after watching a baseball game. Sure, it could be postgame excitement (or postgame blues) that keep you up.
But I found out recently that it could also be the blue light coming from your TV. If you get too much, you won't get a good night's sleep.
So, maybe before you would "grin & bear it." Why not take a swing at something new instead?
For example, you could get blue-light glasses. Or even take something to help reduce blue-light strain on your eyes. There are plenty of options to help your body.
Blue light is only 1 example. But sometimes, taking that big swing is what your body needs. After all, you can't hit a home run if you don't swing.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
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