Sunday Thoughts (what a difference a year makes)

I hope you're enjoying the long holiday weekend so far.
I know Labor Day is a marker for the end of summer, but here in Florida, you can bet it'll feel like summer for a couple more months.
That's comforting I guess. Because it's normal. Expected.
And not much else this year feels especially normal. Sometimes I forget what day it is!
I can't believe I'm even thinking this, given what a train wreck 2020's been, but this time last year, I was even more stressed out than I am today.
We had a hurricane bearing right down on us.
So, I traded my annual cookout plans for a day of battening down the hatches.
Fortunately, it was a close call but mostly a false alarm. The good thing was, it woke Karen & I up to the value of being prepared, to be ready for the worst.
So when the ugliness started a few months ago, we were ready.
Sure, we didn't anticipate a pandemic. But while there weren't any winds blowing outside, staying safely inside was a lot easier, with plentiful provisions and enough distractions to keep us both entertained and safe.
This Labor Day holiday will be more subdued than previous years, but at least I won't be dragging in the patio furniture, or worried about how Ellie is going to deal with howling winds outside (she gets so scared).
Even if you don't have big plans for tomorrow, take this time to take stock of the year so far.
I know it's been crazy, but take a step back. How's your health? How are your goals coming?
If you chucked your goals out the window and started packing on the pandemic pounds, now's a good time to get back on track.
Before you know it, we're into fall and then getting ready for another new year. There's still plenty of time to get on track with your goals – health focused or not – before we're knee deep in the holiday season.
Remember, any healthy habit starts with making it a priority. Write it down. And get to starting. If you get off track, just start over – each day's a new day.
Start with a healthy dinner tomorrow. And, once the dishes are put away, make time for a walk to wind the day down.
That's what I'll be doing. Because getting more exercise and spending quality time with Karen are always two of my goals – it's nice when I make progress on two at the same time.
Enjoy the holiday tomorrow!
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