When It Comes to Drinking Water, Be a Plain Jane

We all get thirsty from time to time. Some of us more often than others, depending on our constitution and activity level.

We probably don’t think about it, but when we get thirsty, we have an important decision to make. What to drink.

If you’re in the habit of drinking water when you’re thirsty, good for you. You’re doing your body a favor. 

But if your habit is reaching for a soft drink, an energy drink or even fruit juice with a high sugar content… not so much. 

Plain Water = Fewer Calories

A study published by the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics revealed that far too many calories are consumed by drinking beverages other than water. And by eating energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods.

Researchers at the University of Illinois compiled data from more than 18,000 adults for this study.

They determined that participants who drank the most plain water in their daily diet consumed fewer total calories.

They also discovered that increasing plain water consumption by one to three cups a day could decrease total calorie intake. By 68 to 205 calories per day.

Dehydration Is a Concern

When you’re thirsty, it’s possible you’re dehydrated. Water can take care of that issue. But we don’t always know when we’re dehydrated. Especially as we age.

If you’re feeling tired or foggy, or are in a bad mood and don’t know why, it could be dehydration. Water transports oxygen and nutrients to our cells. It also helps us digest food and lubricate joints. No wonder we feel “off” when we’re dehydrated.

Another study showed people can become dehydrated if they lose just 2% of their total body weight due to water depletion. Results include light-headedness and headaches. Plus dry mouth, muscle weakness and dry skin.

Our brains are also affected. Even by mild dehydration. It can affect short-term memory, alertness and concentration. Dehydration can also impair physical performance. And, of course, energy levels. 

How Much Should I Drink?

OK, so we know we need to drink more water. But how much is enough?

The traditional answer has been eight glasses per day. But is it really necessary to drink that much? On the other hand, are eight glasses a day enough?

The definitive answer from the world-famous Mayo Clinic is… it all depends. How much water you need each day depends on a variety of factors. Including your current health condition. As well as how active you are and where you live.

We all lose water every day. Through urine, bowel movements, perspiration and even our breath. Drinking water is the primary way to replace what we’ve lost. 

Some Things to Consider

Another way we can accomplish the task is by eating foods containing water. An average of 20 percent of the fluids we take in each day come from food. When we don’t replace the water we’ve lost, our bodies don’t function as well as they should. 

Most of us probably don’t drink eight glasses of water per day. Even fewer of us count the glasses we drink. Generally speaking, most of us drink water when we’re thirsty.

Many beverages contain water, including milk, juice and coffee. So we might get more water than we think. But as we age, we have a diminished sense of thirst. So maybe we don’t always get what we need. 

Understanding the science behind why it’s important to drink plenty of water each day might influence us to drink more. Here are some things to consider:

  • The water inside you, making up about 60% of your body, helps maintain body temperature. And the proper balance of fluids your body needs. 
  • Drinking water can lower your calorie intake and reduce your weight. Drink water instead of beverages with calories and eat foods with high water content.
  •  Drinking water can energize your muscles. Your cells need a good balance of fluids and electrolytes. It’s especially important to drink plenty of water before and during exercise.
  • Drinking water helps your skin look better. Your skin absorbs the water you drink and acts as a barrier to fluid loss.
  • Drinking water helps your kidneys function properly. Your kidneys can do a great job of getting rid of toxins in your body. But only if enough water is flowing through them.
  • Drinking water helps your bowels function normally. Without enough fluids, constipation will occur.     

So, the bottom line is this. Drink more water. Your muscles, skin, kidneys and bowels will thank you.

Patriot Pure Ultimate Water Filtration System

Making a habit of drinking more water is one of the easiest, least expensive and most impactful thing you can do for your health. As long as the water is clean.

My recommendation is the Patriot Pure Ultimate Water Filtration System. It removes up to 99.9 percent of dangerous contaminants. It houses over two gallons of water. And the filter is good for more than 5,000 gallons. 

This product will make your water taste better. Which will lead to you drinking more of it. The large size will add ease to your life so you have more time to focus on things that are important to you.

As satisfied customer Pamela C. says, “I’m very happy with my water filter. Not only does our water now taste good (it tasted dirty from the tap) but the large capacity tank means I’m not refilling small pitchers repeatedly during the day.”

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Rosilda M. Briden - February 2, 2022

QUESTION… Would drinking any liquid like coffee, tea, pop, or soups be the same replacing some of our water intake, instead of just plain water always.?

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