Jeff Reagan
Patriot Health Daily

Are you eating THIS?

Are you eating THIS?

Ok, so you’ve gotten in the habit of moving your body.  Maybe you want to drop a few pounds. Gain some energy. Sleep better. Or even live longer. And exercise can do all that and more. Or maybe you’re just...

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Did you know 1 out of 3 seniors can't "go?"

Did you know 1 out of 3 seniors can't "go?"

It can happen at home. Or maybe when you travel.  Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. Or, for about 1 in 5 of us, it’s so routine that we seek help.  Because we’re feeling bloated. Tired. And possibly in pain. ...

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A “Game-Changing” Blender?

A “Game-Changing” Blender?

As a quick breakfast, a snack, or a healthy way to create a quick meal that’s nutrient dense, a smoothie can’t be beat. I make them all the time.  But once you’re in the habit, I do recommend experimenting. There’s...

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Sunday Thoughts (a dog interview?)

Sunday Thoughts (a dog interview?)

Something happened to me recently, and it stuck with me. So I thought I’d share it.  Maybe if you have a dog, something like this has happened to you. Since we moved to Florida, and it’s our first experience with...

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Do you do THIS to relax?

Do you do THIS to relax?

Relax. If only it were that easy, no? With all the stress in the world – and in our own corners of it – there’s a lot to be stressed about.  But we can’t live our lives redlining every day....

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Do it yourself health?

Do it yourself health?

“Open up and say ‘Ahhh.’” We’ve all heard it. And we’ve all done it. But picture this. The tongue depressor you’re using, you’re holding it yourself.  And the doctor looking down your throat… is in another city. That’s the promise...

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Do YOU believe these protein myths?

Do YOU believe these protein myths?

Myths are hard to shake.  Once one gets in the collective “mind,” people believe it, share it, and are often hard to convince otherwise. Even when faced with the facts.  When it comes to protein, I think we’re generally in...

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What a difference 1,000 miles makes. Recently in Michigan, the seven-day average for new COVID-19 daily cases rose. From just over 1,000 per day to more than 7,800 per day. Blame was placed on the more contagious and deadly U.K....

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