Patriot Power Greens - FAQs

Q: Which ingredients are organic in Patriot Power Greens?
A: The following ingredients are organic ingredients (mainly the fruits and vegetables):
Organic apple, organic cranberry, organic sweet potato, organic noni, organic pomegranate, organic papaya, organic lemon, organic grape, organic kale, organic broccoli, organic spinach, organic carrot, organic parsley, organic beet, organic green cabbage, organic blueberry, organic raspberry, organic strawberry, organic tomato, organic spirulina, organic agave inulin.
Q: Where are your Patriot Power Greens produced?
A. The individual raw ingredients are sourced from multiple countries including South America, and the United States. They are brought into our manufacturing facility outside of Salt Lake City, Utah where they are tested and mixed.
Q: How are the ingredients and product tested?
A. Every ingredient is tested for verification. These tests are also performed a second time on the finished product. Each lot of Greens powder is then tested for heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury). The seaweed in Patriot Power Greens is sourced from southern China (not Japan where radiation is an issue).
Q: Are there any chemicals used in the production of this product?
A: No chemicals are ever used in the production of Patriot Power Greens.
Q: Are the Vitamin A and Calcium natural or synthetic?
A: All of the Vitamins and minerals contained in our Greens are naturally occurring in the raw ingredients we use. Every ingredient in our Greens powder is 100% natural.
Q: Are the ingredients non-GMO?
A: Yes, all the ingredients in Patriot Power Greens are non-GMO.
Q: How many servings are in a canister?
A. Each canister has 30 servings (a one month supply).
Q: How much sugar is in each serving?
A. Each serving has less than 1g of sugar. There are also no artificial sweeteners. This means that Patriot Power Greens will not cause your blood sugar to increase.
Q: How do the probiotics stay active if they aren't refrigerated?
A. By using a low temperature drying process, and microencapsulating the probiotics, they are stable at room temperature.
Q: How does Patriot Power Greens compare to similar products from other vendors?
A. Most greens powders are “bulked up” with cheap ingredients like wheatgrass, barley and soy. Each of these ingredients just cause more chronic inflammation in your body, which is exactly what you want to avoid.
Q: Will Patriot Power Greens lower my need for other vitamins and supplements?
A. Absolutely. Think of Patriot Power Greens as a mega dose of fruits, veggies and a multivitamin all in one. With 40 fruits & veggies, 10 probiotics and 6 digestive enzymes you’ll be able to save money and get rid of most of your other supplements.
Q: Can I add Patriot Power Greens to my current supplements and vitamins?
A: Yes you can! In fact, Patriot Power Greens will probably allow you to eliminate a good portion of the current supplements and vitamins that you take.
Q: How soon will I see benefits from Patriot Power Greens?
A. If you drink Patriot Power Greens each day, you could start to notice that you have more energy, less pain and sharper thinking within the first 7 days.
The good news is that the longer you drink it, the more benefits you will start to see. After 3 weeks you might start to notice that you’re feeling lighter and you’re more active.
Your body might also start to see benefits that aren’t as visible to the naked eye - such as less inflammation in your muscles, tissues and organs. This inflammation is responsible for most of the common complaints of aging that we see today.
Q: Will Patriot Power Greens react with my current medications?
A: Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, Patriot Power Greens is made up of natural fruits & veggies, probiotics and enzymes. We have not been notified of any customers having reactions to medications. To be sure, you can always call your doctor and ask. The full ingredient list for Patriot Power Greens is above.
Q: Is Patriot Power Greens safe for diabetics?
A. While Patriot Power Greens contains less than 1g of sugar and 4g of carbs per serving and its probiotics help promote healthy blood sugar levels, Patriot Power Greens does not treat, cure, or prevent any disease, such as diabetes. If you take prescription medications or have a medical condition such as diabetes, you should continue to take your medication under the direction of your physician and you should consult with your physician before using Patriot Power Greens. Remember that you're always protected by our Lifetime Money Back Guarantee and can return the product for a full refund if needed.
Q: I've had a heart transplant and want to know if Patriot Power Greens is safe for me?
A. While Patriot Power Greens is an all-natural formula that is considered safe and effective for nearly everyone, Patriot Power Greens does not treat, cure, or prevent any disease, such as heart disease. If you take prescription medications or have a medical condition such as heart disease, you should continue to take your medication under the direction of your physician and you should consult with your physician before using Patriot Power Greens. Please remember that you're always protected by our Lifetime Money Back Guarantee and can return the product for a full refund if needed.
Q: Is this product safe for dialysis patients?
A. While Patriot Power Greens is an all-natural formula that is considered safe and effective for nearly everyone, Patriot Power Greens does not treat, cure, or prevent any disease, such as kidney disease. If you take prescription medications or have a medical condition such as kidney disease, you should continue to take your medication under the direction of your physician and you should consult with your physician before using Patriot Power Greens. Please remember that you're always protected by our Lifetime Money Back Guarantee and can return the product for a full refund if needed.
Q: Will Patriot Power Greens upset my stomach?
A: Most people can enjoy Patriot Power Greens with no issue. But like any high quality nutritional supplement, sometimes your body needs time to adjust.
The powerful combination of fruits, vegetables, probiotics and enzymes may not be something your body is used to. If you experience stomach upset, it’s best to reduce your dose of Patriot Power Greens to half or a third of a scoop at a time. Then build to a full dose over a week to 10 days, for full benefits.
If you have issues that continue over time, please contact our customer service team at 1-800-230-8956.
Q: What time of day should I take Patriot Power Greens?
A. Patriot Power Greens can be taken at anytime of the day. However, I recommend that you drink it in the morning so that you can experience all of the energy boosting benefits when you need them throughout the day.
Q: Can Patriot Power Greens replace my breakfast?
A. Yes it can. If your goal is to lose weight, drinking Patriot Power Greens as a meal replacement in the morning would certainly help with that goal. If you find that it’s not fulfilling enough as a full meal, a handful of raw almonds or some slices of avocado would add some healthy fats to help keep you full.
Q: What is the shelf life of Patriot Power Greens?
A. Each product is good for 2 years from the date of manufacturing. An order placed today would be good for at least 18-20 months.
Q: I live in California, does this product fall under Prop65?
For more information of California's Prop65 please see our Prop65 disclaimer, here.
Product Benefits
Doctor's New Delicious Greens Drink Helps Fight Inflammation & Boosts Energy and Vitality in only 30 Seconds a Day
Patriot Power Greens is a doctor-developed formula first tested on older military members and veterans to support day-long energy, healthy inflammation, and healthy aging.
Each scoop delivers a combination of over 60 ingredients, including more than 40 fruits and vegetables, superfoods, probiotics, and other nutrients.
Unlike other "green" drinks, Patriot Power Greens tastes great, not "grassy," which owes as much to what's not in there as what is. We don't include hard-to-digest wheat grass or barley, which add bulk but little nutritional value, and our greens are gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and free of other major allergens.
Not only does Patriot Power Greens make getting your recommended daily fruits and vegetables easy and delicious, it also includes superfoods you're likely missing from your diet no matter how healthy you eat. These include spirulina, a powerful aid to detoxification, and kombu, a Japanese staple packed with nutrient value.
Patriot Power Greens is nutrition you can feel, from increased energy and stamina to ease of movement, with fewer daily aches and pains.
And enjoying it is easy: just scoop, shake, and you're on your way!
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