[ANNOUNCEMENT] 2-for-1 Sweepstakes Winners!

Did you enter THIS 2-for-1 Health & Survival Sweepstakes?
Well, the “moments of truth” have arrived!
I say “moments” because we don’t just have one lucky guy or gal that’ll walk away with the Grand Prize worth $347… we’ve got 10! Yes, you read that right.
That’s $3,479.50 in total. Wow!
TEN lucky folks who will score this coveted prize:
2 canisters of Patriot Power Greens & 1 pack of Emergency Food Bars (courtesy of my buddy Frank over at 4Patriots). It’s like a “Dynamic Duo” of survival.
Each day for 10 days a winner will be announced. Here are the winners so far:
Day 1: Chris G.
Day 2: Sheila B.
Day 3: Paul K.
Day 4: Deborah J.
Day 5: Helen S.
Day 6: Gavin O.
Day 7: Richard H.
Day 8: John B.
Day 9: Linda J.
Day 10: Carin W.
Winners will be reached out to at the end of the Sweepstakes on 7/26.
God Bless,
Jeff Reagan
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