Jeff Reagan
Patriot Health Daily

Massage guns (good, bad & ugly)

Massage guns (good, bad & ugly)

If you’re a sports fan like me, you’ve probably seen them on TV. Baseball players in the dugout, or football players on the sidelines, using what looks like a fancy power drill on their arms, shoulders and legs.  “Massage guns”...

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Is Online Grocery Shopping All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Is Online Grocery Shopping All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Online grocery shopping has exploded over the past couple of years. For obvious reasons. Many people have chosen this method of food delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially seniors, in order to avoid crowded settings. Plenty of younger people have...

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The WORST foods for your joints

The WORST foods for your joints

You may already know that some inflammation in the body is normal. Inflammation is your body’s normal response to injury, illness, or a virus. But when your body’s normal inflammation system gets out of balance, a host of health problems...

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Sunday Thoughts (live a little)

Sunday Thoughts (live a little)

Today’s the day. A big day of football, togetherness, commercials and snacks. I know I harp on healthy eating a lot. And I should, because it’s important. But I also am a realist. I know (and the studies bear this...

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Some good from the pandemic?

Some good from the pandemic?

Unquestionably, this country has been in a giant funk for more than two years now. And so much of our lives have been disrupted. I don’t need to go over all the bad that’s happened. We all know. But I’m...

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Heat makes your brain happy

Heat makes your brain happy

If you’re feeling down, out of sorts, or just not yourself, you’re certainly not alone. Since early 2020, 4 in 10 of us are reporting feelings of anxiety and depression.  But the real number is likely much higher. Even though...

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Sunday Thoughts (stress & food)

Sunday Thoughts (stress & food)

Sundays are my day to cook.  Yes, I cook most days of the week, it’s true. But while I love a “lazy Sunday,” I also love the freedom a nearly open day on the weekend can bring.  The luxury of...

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